Monday 17 August 2015

Sydney Tower

Sydney Tower

There is no better way to see Sydney than from up high. If you ever get the opportunity and if you are not afraid of heights, head skywards for the best view ever.For just $48.50 though, you can see Sydney from the highest vantage point in the CBD. Yes. You guessed it. 

Sydney tower skywalk is the place to be. 286m above the ground, right at the top of the tower, dressed in attractive blue overalls and belayed to a railing you set off for a 45 minute tour around the outside of the iconic tower. The 360 degree view is stunning and unrivalled. 

You think you have seen the best until you keep walking around to the next viewing point and the scenery is even more magnificent. There is a glass platform at one point to stand on and have your professional photo taken many times with the group and individually. Extremely safe and expertly organised it is an extraordinary way to view Sydney as far as the eye can see right out to The Blue Mountains.

The observation Deck

The observation deck is fully accessible and the windows are very tall with ledges low enough for someone in a wheelchair or small children to see out without anything obscuring their view. There are large binoculars set at two heights.  One taller for people standing up and some lower for anyone using a wheelchair or for small children. There are touch screen information booths set at a good height to learn more about the buildings you can see in the distance.

The sun is shining. It is a glorious day. You can not help but feel blessed to be living in such an amazing city when you see it from this viewpoint.

Video about sydney tower :

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